Visit the Tips section to see detailed strategies or add your own Dododex is committed to accuracy. Top players on loawa are usually not a good metric to judge or recommend a class/specs by because theyre all whales without exception who spend more money than any normal person would or could. Reaper Reaper Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Spawn Command LVL Taming Speed Food Drain Multiplier To tame a Reaper, you must get a Reaper Queen to impregnate you. In our case, Thirst outperforms Moon for a very long time, so you’ll see a preference towards that as well since accessories are cheaper + it’s easier to perform on. Outside of whale RMTers, none of us in the west will have a KR endgame reaper setup for multiple months, if ever.

Moon starts barely outperforming Thirst in DPS ceiling at roughly full level 10 gems, 1600+ ilvl which is why theres a slight preference towards Moon for the turbo whale spenders in KR, but for the average player, Thirst is more popular as a main as well. Then generic good engraving that can give 16% dmg: adrenaline or cursed doll Also if you're playing thirst, you have +15% perma from gauge But reaper is a bit special, because she luckily have crit chance tripods on all her biggest attack which increase their crit rate by 40 or 60%, so you have big help which make it doable with the help of adrenaline, even without too many crit stat. It's hard and that why most back-attacker don't use it unless they can go full crit. BUT this is only true when you don't have crit damage bonus, and you're playing entropy set so you have a lot, so you would need 87.5(90)% crit chance with lvl 1(2). KBW ? you usually must have 60% crit rate for it to be worth the malus. If you want to play moon, spec is way better so you won't have enough, forget it. Support aura bring you 10%, so to get the rest it's usually easier on a class that have some inhate speed bonus, like mayhem, demonic, machnist, and guess what ? if you play thirst you have your gauge perma fill that give you 10%, so you can grind some swiftness to do the rest and use it. raid captain ? you must have 136% speed to be more than the standard 16%. Then there's always 2 engraving where you have to think a bit: all your skills are back attack, and you have lot of mobility to help you reach the back, so master of ambush is 25% dmg Good luck They’re actually pretty easy to raise. Set it next to a maewing, and after 10 it’ll eat meat from troughs. both are strong enouth to be played lvl 3, I know there's some variation on thirst where you can play it lvl 1 too. It’ll be overweight and can’t move, so you can cryo it up and when it’s uncryo’d it won’t be hostile anymore.