Additionally, do not let the buyer pressure you into shipping your item immediately after receiving a PayPal confirmation e-mail. Be wary of buyers who request you wire them money for fees or shipping.Just today, the case was decieded in this buyers favor, so he basically took 70 from my wallet and burned a 20 bill in front of me. This means that the 52 was ripped from my account and I got slapped with a 20 chargeback fee. If the buyer has negative comments or no comments at all, there may be cause for concern. About a month after that the buyer issued an 'unauthorized purchased' on the transaction via Paypal. Contacted paypal and of course that have 'systems' in place that review if it is unauthorized or not. Yesterday a guy payed me 1k for something - then the next day BAM, all of a sudden its an 'unauthorized' transaction. Carefully review the buyer’s eBay profile. Messages 317 Reaction score 317 Paypal strikes again.Instead, log in through PayPal’s site directly to verify the funds have been placed into your account, and then ship the item. When you receive confirmation e-mails from PayPal, do not log in through the e-mail message.To avoid falling victim to one of these unscrupulous buyers, Morrisey's office says consumers should take a few steps when selling items online: I received no communication from the buyer that they w. I provided the tracking which shows item was delivered. Some of the common items that have been targeted by these scammers include iPhones and iPads, Nike Air Jordan shoes, cameras, jewelry, wedding dresses, and in some cases, cars. Hello Paypal emailed me that a buyer from a recent (small) transaction is claiming unauthorized purchase and the money has been deducted from my Paypal account while they look into it. Respond to PayPal case with purchase order from eBay, tracking number, tracking history and include the email you get from eBay every time you ship that shows the address and tracking number as well. This leads the seller to believe they should send items to those who they believe purchased items in good faith.” Buyer filed an unauthorized transaction They could have reported the CC stolen and all the past transactions are now reported as unauthorized. “These fraudulent e-mails from an entity appearing to come from PayPal encourage sellers to believe they have been paid. “Hundreds of people buy and sell items every day online without a problem, but scammers have become quite creative with their deceptive practices,” Morrisey said in a press release. Unfortunately, by then the item has been shipped, and the seller has no way to recover the loss.

Sellers do not realize the buyer was fake until after the payment for the item fails to show up in the seller’s PayPal account. CHARLESTON – West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is cautioning people who sell items through eBay about a scam in which fraudulent buyers will fabricate a message from PayPal indicating the item has been purchased, confirming payment, and providing an address for shipping.